Sports Administrator Course for Savanakhet Province had enhanced knowledge

Sports Course for Savannakhet province is to upgrade their ability and knowledge in managing. role and duty that emphasis on sport movement.
On Tuesday11th August 2015 at conference room in Savannakhet province was opened Sports Administrators Course for Savannakhet province presided by Mr. Somphou PHONGSA assistant to deputy Prime Minister, Vice President and Secretariat General of NOCL, Mr. Thavone INSYXIENGMAI Deputy Director General of Education and Sports Department of Savannakhet Province, including administrators within Province and from 11 districts in Savanakhet province had participated.
The purpose of this course is to promote enhance knowledge for administrators in Savanakhet province especially is indicated the important role and duty of Sports Administrators to contributes physical education and sports in school, colleagues and each district in Savanakhet province. Moreover the participants were also learned about constitution of an organization, plaing a sport strategic, Developing in human resources ( coach, athletic, ), Sports Science
After ending of the course all participants had received a certificate of their attendances

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